What is Filecoin & Cloud Mining?

Mining In the course of recent years, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been discreetly developing in popularity, with an ever-bigger number of people purchasing and selling them. Presently that Bitcoin has hit the mainstream and become a worldwide phenomenon, more individuals than ever are hoping to get into the digital currency game. Mining is a process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin’s public ledger called the Blockchain. It exists so that every transaction can be confirmed, and every single user of the network can access this ledger. It is also used to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts of re-spending money that has already been spent somewhere else. However, the creation of cryptocurrency is nothing similar to that of regular money. There's no focal authority that issues new notes; rather, bitcoins ( or any of the other alleged 'alt-coins') are generated through a procedure known as 'mining'. So what is cryptocurrency mining,...